Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a British two-part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, J. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it premiered on 30 July 2016. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J K Rowling (2016) EPUB, MOBI 3 torrent download locations worldwidetorrents.to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J K Rowling (2016) EPUB, MOBI Fiction 15 days monova.org Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J K Rowling (2016) EPUB, MOBI Other 10 hours bittorrent.am Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J. The official global website for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany. London, Palace Theatre New york, Lyric Theatre Melbourne, Princess Theatre SAN FRANCISCO, Curran HAMBURG, Mehr!
It has almost been one week since the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and it seems like you can't turn a corner without seeing someone reading the book. But for some, the 330 page hard cover book seems bulky and awkward to carry it around — which is where PDFs come in. If people were wondering how to download Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as a PDF — it is possible but it is advised to download with caution.
PDFs are alternative format to reading the hard bound book. Unlike a physical hard copy, PDFs are super transportable and can be read on multiple devices. PDFs are compatible with e-readers, smart phones, and of course, computers. Therefore they're great for reading on the go. Unfortunately, Amazon and Barnes and Noble don't have the option to download Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as a PDF — only in Kindle and NOOK book formats, respectively. Even if people don't have a Kindle or a Nook it could pay off to purchase the ebook version. As Kindle and Nook formats can easily be converted into PDFs using online converters. However, it is recommended to use the online converters with caution as you are downloading something unknown from the internet (which should always be done with warning).
But for those who are a little more risky, there are direct ways to download a PDF of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (although it is advised to visit and download from these websites with caution). Websites like ikindlebooks.com, and other free bookdownloading websites do have the option to download PDFs from their websites, however be sure to look for reviews of these websites before deciding that downloading that PDF is worth it. No PDF is worth downloading a virus onto your computer — even if that PDF is of the newest Harry Potter book. Try explaining that to the computer repairman at the Genius Bar.
All jokes aside, if there are die hard Harry Potter readers out there who are dying for the PDF of the book, try it safely. Look for a trusted PDF conversion website — one with a lot of reviews, and purchase the ebook version from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. This way, they will have the book in their possession before converting it into their preferred PDF format.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is taking over the world with readers from all around the world — but those holding out for the PDF don't have to be excluded from this group. With using available resources online or just opting for the hardcover version altogether, finding a PDF of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is definitely possible.
See a Problem?
Preview — Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by John Tiffany
(Harry Potter #8)
It was always difficult being Harry Potter...more
More lists with this book...

3 1/2 stars. I completely get why many HP fans will be disappointed with this, but I have to admit: I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see this story play out on stage.
So yeah, I understand the sad feelings. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has a completely different vibe. Aside from being a play, it's also a more mature, character-driven, less magical story. It does not feel like an eighth Harry Potter book at all; there's a real disconnect between this play and the other seven novels. And you k...more
I know I gave this 4 stars, but to be honest, J.K. Rowling can write a dictionary with Harry Potter illustrations and I'd probably give it 4 stars, so my rating is almost irrelevant here, given my extreme bias.
The thing is, it was cute, it was sweet, it was entirely nostalgic to see the old crew again, but I hated the play format. As a person who grew up with Harry Potter, and who is in her early 30s now, I feel like I grew up with Harry Potter and the crew, a...more
So, the way I see it, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a lovely gift to every Harry Potter fan out there who has hoped and waited a long time to see their wizard friends again.
Though the plot holes are very visible and spread throughout the story, they make for charming and heartfelt conversations between characters, so I didn’t...more
The stage directions were also minimalistic. I mean we have a basic location set for us, but that’s about all. There’s no real expression or sense of urgency. All in all, it’s just a little flat. The plot is feasible, even if it felt a little forced, b...more
+1 star for (view spoiler)[Scorpius Malfoy, the precious angel child that I didn't expect to love so much (hide spoiler)]
-1 star for (view spoiler)[the trolley witch...I mean, are you kidding me? (hide spoiler)]
-1 star for (view spoiler)[Ron's character being a flat, bumbling idiot. He deserves better. (hide spoiler)]
-1 star for (view spoiler)[Rose Granger-Weasley being in it for like 2 seconds (hide spoiler)]
and -1 star for (view spoiler)[the Time Turner inconsistencies, no Teddy Lupin,...more
I didn't hate it.
I didn't love it.
It's just a thing that exists and I'm accepting it for what it is.
*edit: I didn't mean for this review to come off as shady as it did. I'm going to make a video discussing my feelings further. I'm happy that we got to visit this world again, but it just wasn't what I was expecting it to be. If you LOVED this book, that's okay! I'm happy that you enjoyed it.
'Big. Wonderful. Full of food. I’d give anything to be going back.'
Final official review of the script and the play:
I've read the book first. You can't expect me to wait 4 days and not read a book that has the name J. K. Rowling on it.
I was disappointed for several reason. Because I'm keeping the secrets let's cloak it in a (view spoiler)[.
1. Harry's scar hurts again? What a cheap trick after telling us that all was well.
2. Ron was reduced to being the butt of the joke....more
This review contains *mild spoilers*.
I've waited for this particular story for what feels like ages, and words cannot even describe for how grateful I am that it finally exists in my hands. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child continues the wondrous magical world that we all know and love.
The story starts out at King's Cross with the original trio preparing their school-age children to board the train to start their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
It's at this time that Ha...more
RULE FOR SPOILERS: if it's in the first 10%, and therefore (in most cases) available for scrutiny from undecided readers in the FREE downloadable preview, IT'S NOT A SPOILER.
That being said, a LOT of things happen--IMPORTANT things--in the first five percent, let alone ten percent of HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD, so if you'd rather go into your read without significant prior knowledge, leave this review immediately.
That's the only warning you're going to get.
In my ex...more
My post on Hello Beautiful Book Blog
It's going to be published on HARRY'S BIRTHDAY!!!!
'There’s good news for Harry Potter fans who won’t be able to make it to London to see the theatrical production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: the play will be published in book form immediately after its debut....more
The script, written by Jack Thorne and based on a story by J.K. Rowling, Thorne and John Tiff
UPDATED after reading: NO NO NO NO. Terrible writing I can let slide (it's a play so I would expect the acting to salvage that) but the plot was pointless, the characters were, well, out of character, and it felt
Horrible like bad fan fiction....no
Bloody Hell!
I freaking cried. I was afraid I wasn't going to like this book but I did and I damn cried. This is a SPOILER FREE review so I can't tell you what made me cry.
Even though this is about the kids and all of our loves are older, they wrote the book in a way that we get to have some memories of certain things. And my favorite character made me cry again!
I really hope they put...more
They're back..One More time..19 years later.
In a different style..
Harry Potter & The Cursed 8th Book
DRACO: I don’t care what you did or who you saved, you are a constant curse on my family, Harry Potter.
A 'Play', of friendship, courage & anti-prejudice as before..
Marital relations, Father/Son issues.
A new Story goes farther than ever..
travelling back & forth in time..
Then back to where it all began..
To close the circle.
Once & for all.
HARRY: The Boy Who Lived. How many peo...more
I have a lot of mixed feelings on this book. Am I happy we got another Harry Potter story? Yes. Am I satisfied with some aspects? Absolutely. But am I disappointed as well? Unfortunately, YES.
L I K E S :
I was so happy to feel like the characters were authentic. Throughout the entire novel, these felt like the children I grew up alongside and their development over the last two decades into adults felt REAL. Everyone wa...more
2.5* (I think)
So here's the deal. I went into this being apprehensive. My expectations were low and I was right. I just felt like Harry Potter's story ended where it had to end. The questions that were left unanswered kept the story alive as I would imagine what might be going on in their lives as adults. This answers all those questions and then some. I wanted to rate this higher but I think 2.5 is as high as I can go. These characters didn...more
This review can also be found on my blog, Dana and the Books.
I never thought I'd get to count down the days to another Harry Potter release.
I was understandably hesitant about a sequel, but I'm relieved after having read it. It was everything I could have hoped for and not at all what I was expecting - seriously, not at all - but it was perfect. It was the type of story I play within my head when I have too much time on my hands. I was super lucky to be able to go into the s...more
Sidenote: can time turners go forward into the future?
What an experience this was. I loved going back and visiting Hogwarts again.
Very enjoyable read. Thank you JK!
Notes: All the charm of the originals, but too steeped in revisiting previous storylines to be much more than good nostalgia.
Warning: This review contains major spoilers! Don’t read this if you haven’t read the Harry Potter series and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child yet!
If you loved Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, I wouldn’t recommend reading my review. This is going to be a rant! You’ve been warned!
This is the very first time I have rated a book one stars! Believe me, I don’t want to do this, but I real...more
'How many people have died for the Boy Who Lived?”
Cynical Natalie: Beware ye who enter. Here there be spoilers the size of Aragog.
Nice Natalie: What are you, narrating a movie? Don't scare them. All major spoilers are hidden, but really, we recommend going into The Cursed Child blind. Drop by after you finish!
Cynical Natalie: Alright, let's get down to it. What the flip did we just read?
Nice Natalie: A lovely story about family and threads we didn't know needed to be tied up, but made perfec...more
Here's what I thought when I finished this book:
My fear just got real. This book is truly...more
Regardless, the magic is here, and I like it just the same. The plot might be convoluted and crazy, but the world is magical enough for it to somehow work. It makes for all the thrills and mystery you come to expect from the Harry Potter universe.
Coming back to this series felt like returning to school after a long summer break. Although it take...more
Here's my vlog of the launch party and my initial thoughts after reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqwyq...
Although I do have some negative thoughts about it which I'll go into more detail with later, REGARDLESS, I finished this in one sitting and thought it was like, 95% fab
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Does it bother anyone else that Hermione is reduced to a miserable spinster teacher when she isn't married to Ron? | 2 | 17 | Jun 07, 2019 05:05PM |
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