How To Change Steam Download Server

Myself and 2 others downloaded this from steam. They are somehow on a diffrent server trhan me, Even though we all downloaded it from steam. Makes NO sense. A Way To Change Servers? Eventually create stan alone account on and download stand alone client (choose the proper one) #1. Apr 29, 2014 @ 6:21am Dibhala is.

Steam is an online service that allows you to download video games for personal computers. These are games which are normally only purchasable in stores, but Steam allows you to acquire them directly, as well as to join an online community of players with the same game. Buying and downloading games is quite simple once you have a Steam account.

Create a Steam account from the official website, and download the official Steam client (see Resources below).

Search for the game you want to purchase. Most can be found by title, but you can also locate games that are similar to those you already enjoy by clicking on the 'Browse Games' options at the left of the Steam client.

Click on 'Add Game' once you have found a game you want to purchase. This will take you to the checkout screen.

How to change steam download server free

Insert your preferred payment method if you have not done so already. Note that Steam allows you to use PayPal as well as credit cards, so you have a variety of payment options available. Click 'Purchase' when done.

Go to the 'Downloads' tab on the Steam client. Right-click on the game to see your options. You can start and stop the download pause it at any point, and even download deleted games you've purchased previously. Note that once you buy a game through Steam, you can download it as many times as you want in the future in case you delete it or buy a new computer.


Check the 'Downloads' tab periodically to see if there are any updates to your purchased games. You can download any updates or patches for free.

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Simple and easy solution to your poor Steam download speeds!

As I am sure, many of you wonder why your download speeds are so slow, when they are usually much faster when being used for other applications besides Steam.

How To Change Steam Download Server Free

Below is a solution to make your games download MUCH faster.

Before you start - Check to help pick a server

Time to pick a server - In the Steam window, click View -> Settings -> Downloads (TAB) -> Under the download tab, pick the server that is closest to you.

Steam Free Download

Seems simple, right?

The issue is Steam automatically picks a server it believes to be the best for you, but most of the time, its choice is poor. Manually picking your own server allows you to pick the server closest to you and improve your download speeds.

For instance, Steam thought that a server on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE U.S was the premium choice for me, NOT the server one state over. -_-

Hope that helps!

How To Change Where Steam Installs Games

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