Free download Don’t Starve for Windows, Hungry for adventure? Then, Don’t Starve is just the game for you. It is a tale of horror with a rather different approach. As the name suggests, Don’t. Don’t Starve PS4 is an open world survival game. This game is available for download in ISO and PKG format for free. It was developed by Klei Entertainment and published by 505 Games.
Game Information
Official Name | Don't Starve |
Version | Full Game |
File Upload | Torrent |
Developer (s) | Klei Entertainment |
Platform (s) | Microsoft Windows, PC |
Release date (s) | 2013 |
Genre (s) | Action-adventure, survival |

Dont Starve Full PC Game Overview
Dont Starve download free. full Game is a 2013 action-adventure video game with survival and roguelike elements, developed and published by the Canadian indie company Klei Entertainment. The game was initially released via Valve Corporation's Steam software for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux on April 23, 2013. A PlayStation 4 port, renamed Don't Starve: Giant Edition, became available the following year (with PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3 versions released on September 2014 and June 2015 respectively, and an Xbox One version released in August 2015). Don't Starve for iOS, renamed Don't Starve: Pocket Edition was released on July 9, 2015. Downloadable content titled Reign of Giants was released on April 30, 2014, and a multiplayer expansion called Don't Starve Together became free for existing users on June 3, 2015.
The game follows a scientist named Wilson who finds himself in a dark, dreary world and must survive as long as possible. Toward this end, the player must keep Wilson healthy, fed, and mentally stable as he avoids a variety of surreal and supernatural enemies that will try to kill and devour him. The game's «Adventure» mode adds depth to the sparse plot and pits Wilson against the game's antagonist, Maxwell. Dont Starve Free Download.
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Don't Starve was Klei's first foray into the survival genre. Conceived during the height of a game industry trend of dropping players into a world with few instructions and a goal of survival, the game was influenced by Minecraft, which spearheaded this trend, as well as by filmmaker Tim Burton. The game received positive reviews from critics; commended for its original art style, music, and variety of ways for the player to die, although its high level of difficulty and implementation of permanent death were less warmly received.
Don't Starve is an action-adventure game with a randomly generated open world and elements of survival and roguelike gameplay. Combat is handled by pointing and clicking with the mouse, while other activities are controlled by the keyboard, or using the inbuilt gamepad support to play using a controller, giving it a console-like gameplay feel. The goal is to survive as long as possible, with a count of the number of days the player has survived shown onscreen. The game keeps few records of player progress besides the total number of experience points and the playable characters unlocked. Wilson is the main playable character, but the first character, Willow, can be unlocked with 160 experience points—the player earns 20 each in-game day and receives them after dying—while Woodie, the last, requires the game's limit of 1,600. As is common among roguelikes, death is permanent, barring the use of several rare and difficult to acquire items, like the Meat Effigy, Touch Stone, and Life Giving Amulet.
The game relies on a day/night cycle that causes meaningful fluctuations in gameplay style. During the day, the player spends most of their time exploring the world; gathering food, firewood, and other items; discovering «recipes» to combine available items; and avoiding enemies. With nightfall comes dangerous monsters as well as an invisible menace (Charlie) which attacks the player when the screen is dark. A player must either have a nearby light source or must have some sort of night vision to prevent the night monster from attacking. Crafting, which uses recipes, allows the player to create shelters and weapons like axes. The characters are able to gather and farm plants as well as hunt animals for sustenance, with several characters having dietary perks or restrictions. Food can spoil, however, so the player cannot keep it for too long. Eating spoiled food results in loss of health, sanity, and an increase in hunger. Each in-game day takes 8 minutes of real time. Dont Starve Free Download PC Game.
Death can occur in a variety of ways. The player has three gauges displayed on the game's heads-up display, which respectively track hunger, health, and sanity. Hunger worsens by default, being replenished with food. Sanity decreases during the dusk and night, or as a result of certain unpleasant actions, such as robbing graves or being in complete darkness; it can be replenished through mentally stimulating activities, such as sleeping, picking flowers, and wearing «dapper» clothing. When hunger gets too low, it begins to chip away at health, which will eventually result in the player's death. A large variety of creatures can attack the player, including giant one-eyed birds, tree monsters, tentacles whose owners are not shown, and even small, weak frogs that will nonetheless try to accost the player and steal from them. Additionally, at low enough sanity, figments of the character's imagination become corporeal and able to attack the player. Some creatures, such as pig-like creatures often found in tribes, begin as neutral to the player (Excluding the Reign of Giants character Webber), but the player's actions may lead them to be allies or hostile foes.
The game's bulk occurs in Sandbox Mode, but there is a second mode, Adventure, which the player can access by finding a landmark called «Maxwell's Door.» Adventure serves as the game's campaign, and consists of five levels that pit the player against Maxwell, the antagonist of Don't Starve. The player loses all items and recipes upon entering, and can only pick four to keep upon completion of each chapter. Death or completion of all five chapters results in being returned intact to Sandbox Mode. Dont Starve for PC.
Wilson, a gentleman scientist, is the protagonist of Don't Starve. While Wilson has no special abilities beyond growth of «a magnificent beard», which slows the speed of freezing in winter, and accelerates overheating in summer, other playable characters do; a few examples follow. Willow, a firestarter, is immune to fire damage and will start a small fire on the ground, which can set fire to nearby objects, when she has a low sanity level. A girl named Wendy receives visits from her deceased twin sister Abigail when summoned. A strongman named Wolfgang has higher health, offensive capabilities that grow the more his hunger meter is full, but starves faster and loses more sanity when near danger. WX78 is an android who nonetheless needs to eat, sleep, and stay mentally stimulated, but does not become ill from spoiled food, can increase its maximum health, hunger, and sanity with gears (which are reset to the original maximum after dying and respawning, but the corpse leaves behind a portion of the used ones), and takes damage from rain. WX-78 also attracts lightning, being made of conductible material, that makes it surrounded by a glow, which gradually decreases with time as the charge wears off, refills health, and lowers sanity while continuing to speed the loss of it.
The game's antagonist is named Maxwell. Maxwell is described as a puppet master who is «dapper» and «frail» in stature. He is part-demon and transforms incrementally as his anger at the player increases over the five chapters of Adventure. He is the final unlockable character, obtained after completion of the story rather than with experience points. The character version of Maxwell starts with a Dark Sword, Night Armor, Purple Gem, 4 Nightmare Fuel and the Codex Umbra, a book that when activated, costing 2 Nightmare Fuel, depletes 15 health, lowers maximum sanity by 55, and spawns a shadow clone of himself that aids him in battle, mining and wood chopping. The Shadow Puppet has 75 health and deals 40 damage with each attack. When it dies, it disappears and returns Maxwell's lost maximum of sanity. A maximum of 3 puppets can be spawned at once, and each will disappear 2.5 days after it is spawned.
As the game itself opens with Maxwell snidely informing the player of their gaunt appearance and includes little further story, the game's setup is told through its trailer. On a dark and stormy night, Wilson appears to be getting nowhere in a chemistry experiment until he is startled by his radio speaking to him. It reveals that it has noticed his trouble and has «secret knowledge» for him. When he eagerly agrees, a flurry of equations and diagrams encircle him and fill his head with this information. Using white rats, a typewriter, and his own blood, among other tools and materials, Wilson creates a giant machine. The radio commends his work and tells him to pull the machine's switch. He hesitates, but at the radio's insistence, he does it; the machine rattles violently and a pair of ghostly arms whisk him into a different world while an apparition of Maxwell cackles.
As the player wakes up each morning during the Adventure mode, Maxwell appears over them and comments. At first he seems impressed at the player's hardiness; he then becomes irritated and urges the player to turn back. He offers the player a truce but then becomes completely enraged.
At the end of Adventure, the player reaches an island called Maxwell's Island with a hall belonging to Maxwell on it. The player finds Maxwell trapped in a throne encircled by short stone pillars. The player is at first unable to free him, but finds a keyhole, as well as a key nearby. The player sets Maxwell free, but he turns into a skeleton and disintegrates as soon as he stands up. The ghostly arms from the trailer then grab the player and ensnare them in the throne. An epilogue implies that the player will take on a villainous role similar to Maxwell's using newfound powers given by the throne, but will nonetheless be trapped forever. Dont Starve Download Torrent.
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Dont Starve is an Adventure and Simulation game for PC published by Klei Entertainment in 2013. Try to survive from the darkness!
Dont Starve PC Game 2013 Overview:
The story is about a person named Wilson who has many skills in traveling. When the devil follows him, He enters the jungle to rescue his life.
(v342121 Together The Forge DLC added)
But the jungle isn’t a safe place too. Now, You should help him to travel over these places. Wilson needs food at first. There isn’t any cooked thing at the environments like jungles. You should use vegetables or plants as food. When you succeed to find food, The next day becomes. Food isn’t the only problem to save your life. There are many dangerous creatures in the jungle too. They won’t let you pass the ways easily. Remember that you don’t have special weapons like guns to defend against them.
There is only a torch as weapon. Although it’s not a weapon, It can be used to banish the wild animals. It has some others uses too. The player has to use this item in many places. You can also make fir by using it. The fire lets you to be safe for some minutes. The gameplay isn’t a repetitive one. You will see new items in the next days. The design of the environments will be changed by passing the days. This is why Dont Starve will be enjoyable for many hours.
All of the environments are hand-drawn. This property has made Dont Starve a great game with lots of potentials. If you like to challenge your skills, Try this amazing game for free. It has won six awards in 2013!
Features of Dont Starve:
- Stay alive from the dangers of the jungle
- Discover new items to survive more than one day
- Use your torch to make fire
Free Don't Starve Game
- Randomly Generated environments which are hand-drawn

Minimum System Requirements:
- OS:Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- Processor:1.7+ GHz or better
- Memory:1+ gigs of RAM GB RAM
- Graphics:Radeon HD5450 or better; 256 MB or higher
- DirectX®:9.0c
- Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
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File Size : 0.86 & 0.83 & 1.28 & 0.76 & 0.73 & 0.74 & 0.74 & 0.76 & 0.75 & 0.66 & 0.62 & 0.39 & 0.69 GB
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