How do I get Dungeons and Dragons Online to run under windows 8.1?
MorphVOX can be used with Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO). Simply click the Mic Test check box on to hear how you sound in game.
After downloading the full installer and doing a full install and updating successfully, I keep getting a pair of Game Error [201] each time I try to connect to a game server. This is a new Acer 8.1 system from Walmart, nothing user installed other than DDO. I currently have UAC disabled to remove one point of failure.
School of Dragons: Top 10 tips, hints, and cheats to need to know! Allyson Kazmucha. The game gives you a very easy way to spend a few and keep going but resist it. You'll be glad you did when you need those gems for something more important. One of the best part of School of Dragons is the fact that it really is played as a true RPG. The Basic Rules for Dungeons & Dragons is a PDF that covers the core of the tabletop game. Anyone can download it from our website. We want to put D&D in as many hands as possible, and a free, digital file is the best way to do that.
I've tried various compatibility modes (Windows 7, Windows XP SP 3).
I have tried running it in Administrator mode several times (and that's how the default shortcut has been reconfigured). One suggestion I discarded was to remove the password from the Admin account on the machine. I suspect the Admin account is disabled, I've done nothing to nor with it on the machine.

2 Answers
Error 201 means that the game cannot access the game's files. It can occur when the permissions are set to administrator only or if a previous patch failed.
Best is to reinstall the game fresh from the interwebs. I would also advise to install it into userspace instead of global space, which can also be done by simply installing it to a different partition rather than the usual C:Program Files.
This doesn't answer the root problem, but I found that the Play Instantly button and it's Happy Cloud version would install and run when the other installer would seem to do a full install but the game installation couldn't reach the game servers on a new Windows 8.1 system.
It's possible that I had a corrupted download of the full install file, but I downloaded it and ran it and it gave no error messages. I would hope that an online game vendor's installer would do a check sum at the very least on itself.
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Dungeons and Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited (DDO) is a free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), developed by Turbine, inc. The game is based on 3.5 edition Dungeons and Dragons, and set in the Eberron universe. The quickest way to level in DDO is to repeat short quests that yield high amounts of experience. Many high experience quests in the game have prerequisites that must be completed each time you want to do the quest; however, you can bypass the prerequisites using a strategy known as 'window farming.'
Pick a quest that yields a large amount of experience. One of the best examples of a good quest to window farm is 'The Shadow Crypt,' located in the Necropolis.
Complete the prerequisite quests for the quest you want to do. For example, if you want to window farm the shadow crypt quest, complete the following quests: 'Tomb of the Shadow Guard,' 'Tomb of the Shadow King,' 'Tomb of the Shadow Knight and 'Tomb of the Shadow Lord.'
Complete the quest that you want to window farm with at least one other person in your party. However, do not leave the quest immediately once it is finished. If everyone leaves the quest too quickly, you must redo al the prerequisites.
Have one player stay in the quest. Everyone else should leave it by clicking the 'Finish Out' button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Double-click the quest entrance to bring up the quest window. The window will say, 'this adventure is currently in progress.' Once you have the quest window open, leave it up, and tell the person still inside the quest to leave.
Click the 'Ok' button located on the bottom of the quest window, once the last person leaves the quest. Enter a fresh version of the quest and complete it again without doing any of the prerequisites.
If you have someone in the group that has done the prerequisites for the quest, you can have them open the quest immediately, and follow the same strategy for window farming it.
Window farming can also be used for cutting down travel time. If you don't want to return to the quest giver to turn-in, and get the quest again, you can window farm it instead.
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If you want to do this with the shadow crypt, you will need to have access to the 'Necropolis- Part II' adventure pack.
Ddo Game Download
The more you repeat a quest in DDO, the less experience it gives. This gives the window farming strategy diminishing returns.